
Tuesday, June 18, 2019

I'm still Alive!! (of course, that presumes that you missed me)

For the past year, I have not been active in my efforts to write. Part of the reason is 'laziness' (which rears its ugly head from time-to-time) but there have been some other issues to take away my attention from this little project. I'm hoping I can re-start and continue my efforts in sharing wisdom (?) and levity with my friends and family. Here's hoping I can be more consistent and entertaining this time around.

You may have noticed that I have changed the title of these writings. Since my last entry, President Russell M. Nelson has encouraged members of our church we attend to use the proper name of the church in all our dealings.
Pres. Russell M. Nelson
Therefore, being "Mormongrandpablogger" ☹️ doesn't really fit that counsel. The new name for this 'effort' is "Grandpa Whitmer's semi-regular writings." I recognize that I am not  the only Grandpa Whitmer in the world (there are my own dad and three brothers who can claim the title ... and many others with the same authorization around the world). But if someone complains, I can always change it again. 😒 The intent is to be just as random as before but, hopefully, a little more consistent.

From the beginning, my reason for writing here has been to give my family a way to see and understand a few things about their dad/grandpa (and in not too many years, great-grandfather). Most postings will be mundane with a little humor attempted, but they are given to reveal some of the personality that might not come out in other interactions. OR, it may be just what the family and friends need to secure my incarceration in a medical facility (if that happens, I will promise to haunt the perpetrators unceasingly). 😏

I appreciate those who read and comment and hope your time is not completely wasted as you click and read what is here. Until next time. mw

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