
Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Thanks for the Memories

I know what you are thinking!!!

You probably think I am going to share a list of "thankfuls" in my life.

You're right.

But it's not a list like any I have made before. This one will share some of those invisible people

who have done some little thing and never been recognized.

None of the things they did were earth shaking but they were significant to my progression.

See if you can get a little of the drift for why I remember them so fondly.


Mr. Hobart Tompkins—probably the first teacher to take time to really help me feel like I was worth something. Mr. Tompkins was my English teacher when I was at Flagstaff Jr. High (9th grade) and he was a stickler for proper grammar. All that I know of writing and speaking came from the lessons he taught and the practice he demanded. He was also the only person who believed I should run for student body office in that same Jr. High. The vote was not close but the seed of confidence was germinated and it grew from that experience.

Brother Reid—sadly, I don't remember his first name but I will always be grateful for the work he performed as my first scoutmaster. Physically I was a small boy but he encouraged me to be successful…and I felt like I was. He was killed in a trucking accident (my first experience with death) and left our troop to someone else but his influence has helped me have a desire to work in scouting. I have often thought of him while working with the boys in my own troops.

Raymond Beckham—OK, his influence wasn't such a little thing but he is not a person most people think of when looking back on my life. As the Mission President in the Canada Calgary Mission, he was assigned to keep track of nearly 300 19-21 year old young men and a few sisters and couples. As I have grown older, I am more and more amazed at the patience and care he was able to offer, despite what must have been an overwhelming responsibility. He was firm and demanding but those are things I needed at that time in my life. He was also very influential in setting the tone for the rest of my life. The two years he blessed my life have been the foundational years for my adulthood.

Ron Shill—Bro. Shill was my favorite professor during my undergraduate years at BYU. My first introduction to him was from another student who suggested I might want to transfer from his class. He was known to be difficult in his requirements and many were scared away but because of scheduling needs, I had no choice. My classmate was correct…the class was the hardest I had ever taken. But it was also the most interesting and enlightening business class of my years at BYU. I enjoyed it so much that I signed up for another class the next semester. I learned to be prepared and never try to fake a presentation from this marvelous teacher.

There are other people who have helped me along the way but these are the first that came to mind for this post.

Maybe another day I will be able to remember some more names.

Really stinks to get old and forget all the good.

Thank heavens for the Resurrection!!!

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