
Friday, November 9, 2012


This may not be significant to anyone else, but today I passed the 5000 views mark for my little blog.  Whoever you are that follow my ranting, thank you for being consistent and getting me to this milestone.

With my other writing for Deseret Connect, I have had nearly 200k views but it still makes me feel good to know that there are a few people out there who enjoy what I write enough to come back and partake.

I just checked and my first blog entry was October 2008 so reaching 10,000 views will probably happen in another four years.  Happy reading to all who participate and come back as often as you like.  Maybe it will start to make sense as I grow older ---- but probably it will get more meandering as I lose my sanity.  Anyways, thanks.
My GGrandma Whitmer lost most of her mind (she scared me when I was a little boy) before she passed away.
 My chances are pretty good for the same experiences.  Yippee!!!

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