
Monday, November 5, 2012


Only one more day until the election for this cycle is completed (unless people try to do tricky things to extend the time).  Maybe I’m becoming cynical towards these things but it sure seems like there has been an inordinate amount of “evil speaking” on the part of many candidates.  I think it makes the process seem less needful because of all the hatred going round – the adversary has really taken hold of a lot of hearts and turned a good thing into a bad one (read 2 Nephi 2).
Interesting Headwear for the ladies

One happy circumstance from the past few days was a busy day on Saturday. 

Bryce and Jenny doing their thing.
Teresa made a reservation with the Family Canning Center and invited all the families to come package some food for their storage shelves.  Bryce and Aubrey were introduced to the ‘hard’ work of canning and seemed to have a good time.  And our shelves should be a little more complete than they were before.

Immediately after we finished, Josh and I headed out for Strawberry Reservoir to do a little fishing.  I had been up two weeks before with my friend Jeff Hill and Josh really wanted to have a last outing before winter sets in. 

Turned out that we had a pretty good day and Josh won the prize for the best fish.  It was nice cutthroat, about 22-23”, and gave a good solid fight before he could get it in his float tube.  We both had pretty good success which engendered a pleasant ride home.  I do love catching (and releasing) those little fishes.
Big Cutthroat Trout and bigger smile

My littler effort - with no smile
Please remember to get out and vote so our country can still be free.  I hope you will consider more than party as you punch your ballot – look for someone who will make a difference in how our lives are going.  God Bless America.

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